ölmeden önce görmeniz gereken 101 savaş filmi

Daha önce bahsettiğimiz Ölmeden Önce Görmeniz Gereken 1001 Film, Ölmeden Önce Görmeniz Gereken 101 Korku Filmi, Ölmeden Önce Görmeniz Gereken 101 Kült Film adlı kitapların editörü Steven Jay Schneider’in bir diğer kitabı da Ölmeden Önce Görmeniz Gereken 101 Savaş Filmi. Listede 1915 yılı ile 2009 yılı arasında tam 101 savaş filmi var. Kitapta bu filmlerin incelemelerini bulmak mümkün. İşte konu savaş olduğunda beyazperdeye yansıyan o 101 film:

1.    Birth Of A Nation, 1915, USA
2.    The Battle Of The Somme, 1916, United Kingdom
3.    The Big Parade, 1925, USA
4.    The General, 1927, USA
5.    Napoleon, 1927, France
6.    Wings, 1927, USA
7.    All Quiet On The Western Front, 1930, USA
8.    The Charge Of The Light Brigade, 1936, USA
9.    La Grande Illusion, 1937, France
10.  The Great Dictator, 1940, USA
11.  Buck Privates, 1941, USA
12.  Sergeant York, 1941, USA
13.  49th Parallel, 1941, United Kingdom
14.  To Be Or Not To be, 1942, USA
15.  Mrs. Miniver, 1942, USA
16.  In Which We Serve, 1942, United Kingdom
17.  Went The Day Well, 1942, United Kingdom
18.  Roma Citta Perta (Rome: Open City), 1945, Italy
19.  A Matter Of Life And Death, 1946, United Kingdom
20.  Sands Of Iwo Jima, 1949, USA
21.  The Red Badge Of Courage, 1951, USA
22.  The Cruel Sea, 1953, United Kingdom
23.  Stalag 17, 1953, USA
24.  From Here To Eternity, 1953, USA
25.  The Dam Busters, 1955, United Kingdom
26.  Hill 24 Doesn't Answer, 1955, Israel
27.  Throne Of Blood (Kumonsu Jo), 1957, Japan
28.  Kanal, 1957, Poland
29.  The Bridge Over River Kwai, 1957, United Kingdom/USA
30.  The Cranes Are Flying, 1957, Soviet Union
31.  Paths Of Glory, 1957, USA
32.  Ice Cold In Alex, 1958, United Kingdom
33.  Ashes And Diamonds, 1958, Poland
34.  Ballad Of A Soldier, 1959, Soviet Union
35.  Two Women (La Ciociara), 1960, Italy/France
36.  Guns Of Navarone, 1961, United Kingdom/USA
37.  Ivan's Childhood (Ivanovo Detstvo(, 1962, Soviet Union
38.  The Longest Day, 1962, USA
39.  Lawrence Of Arabia, 1962, United Kingdom
40.  The Great Escape, 1963, USA
41.  Zulu, 1964, United Kingdom
42.  Dr Strangelove, 1964, United Kingdom
43.  The Shop On Main Street, 1965, Czechoslovakia
44.  The Battle of Algiers, 1966, Italy/Algeria
45.  Closely Observed Trains, 1966, Czechoslovakia
46.  The Dirty Dozen, 1967, USA
47.  Where Eagles Dare, 1968, United Kingdom/USA
48.  Hell In The Pacific, 1968, USA
49.  Oh! What A Lovely War, 1969, United Kingdom
50.  Army Of Shadows, 1969, France/Italy
51.  Battle Of Britain, 1969, United Kingdom
52.  M*A*S*H, 1970, USA
53.  Patton, 1970, USA
54.  Catch-22, 1970, USA
55.  Tora! Tora! Tora!, 1970, USA/Japan
56.  Lacombe Lucien, 1974, France
57.  The Eagle Has Landed, 1976, United Kingdom
58.  The Iron Cross; 1977, United Kingdom/West Germany
59.  A Bridge Too Far, 1977, United Kingdom/USA
60.  Deer Hunter, 1978, USA
61.  Apocaplypse Now, 1979, USA
62.  The Big Red One, 1980, USA
63.  Gallipoli, Australia, 1981
64.  Das Boot, 1981, West Germany
65.  The Killing Fields; 1984, United Kingdom
66.  Ran, 1985, Japan
67.  Come And See (Idi I Smotri), 1985, Soviet Union
68.  Salvador, 1986, USA
69.  Platoon, 1986, USA/United Kingdom
70.  Full Metal Jacket, 1987, USA/United Kingdom
71.  Hope And Glory, 1987, United Kingdom
72.  Empire of The Sun, 1987, USA
73.  Good Morning, Vietnam, 1987, USA
74.  Grave Of The Fireflies, 1988, Japan
75.  Glory, 1989, USA
76.  Europa, Europa; 1991, Germany
77.  The Last Of The Mohicans, 1992, USA
78.  Stalingrad, 1992, Germany
79.  Schindler's List, 1993, USA
80.  Land And Freedom, 1995, United Kingdom/Spain
81.  Welcome To Sarajevo, 1997, United Kingdom/USA
82.  Regeneration, 1997, United Kingdom/Canada
83.  Life Is Beautiful (La Vita E Bella), 1997, Italy
84.  Saving Private Ryan, 1998, USA
85.  The Thin Red Line, 1998, USA
86.  Three Kings, 1999, USA/Australia
87.  Ride With The Devil, 1999, USA
88.  Divided We Fall, 2000, Czech Republic
89.  Devils On The Doorstep, 2000, China
90.  Dark Blue World, 2001, Czech Republic
91.  No Man's Land, 2001, Bosnia & Herzegovina/Slovenia
92.  Enigma, 2001, United Kingdom/USA
93.  Black Hawk Down, 2001, USA
94.  The Pianist, 2002, France/Poland/Germany/United Kingdom
95.  Master And Commander, 2003, USA
96.  Taegugki (Brotherhood Of War), 2004, South Korea
97.  Downfall (Der Untergang), 2004, Germany
98.  Hotel Rwanda, 2004, United Kingdom/USA
99.  Joyeux Noel (Merry Christmas), 2005, France
100.    Black Book, 2007, Germany/Austria
101.    Inglorious Basterds, 2009, USA/Germany

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